The Sunda Pygmy is the smallest amongst the Woodie in Malaysia minus the Piculets of course. It is very common at coastal plains along Peninsula. In June 2015 we found a nesting in a dead tree trunk in Jeram. Both the parents tends to feeding of their hatchling but the female do more trips to the nest than the male. The male has a red tinge to its brow.
Later at another mangrove patch near the rivermouth of Sg Janggut; a party of five were sighted where we witness the 3 juveniles were chasing the parents for food as they forage up down the root bark and high storey of the mangroves trees.
Later at another mangrove patch near the rivermouth of Sg Janggut; a party of five were sighted where we witness the 3 juveniles were chasing the parents for food as they forage up down the root bark and high storey of the mangroves trees.