During QingMing in the month of April 2016 when I was back to my home town in Ipoh, I finally get to bird at this least reported venue. The place is located just 5 minutes from Jelapang exit from the North-South Highway. To save all the confusion please just waze Tenby International School and you be at the door step to this beautifully well- maintained forest reserve.
I have been asking Dr Amar on his local patch but he never once divulge direction of this place to me. So I have to recce here and there until now that is. I hope with my posting more birders can detour to Ipoh to bird and then enjoy Ipoh hawker food galore. The potential of this place to bear some lifers to many of us depends on fellow birders sharing their sightings when they are here. There are several bird which I wish to see here like the Large Green , Wedged-tailed and Cinnamon headed Green Pigeon. So from now onward this will be birding stop for me whenever I am back to Ipoh.
The weather that late morning was sunny hot hitting 36 degree Celsius. The birds were not coming out. The reprieve was that some trees were bearing fruit which bring out some action especially the White -eyes as well as the bulbuls ala cream-vented, black headed, spectacled and yellow-vented.
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