During last weekend whilst everyone in Fraser I heard; I was alone in Bukit Rengit Pahang to look for lifers. The place was parched dry and the undergrowth is fully carpeted with crimpy dried leaves. So as you walk it crackle. With the prolong drought and hot weather several trees are still bearing remnant fruit and berries which attracted leafbirds and bulbuls. The babblers were rather quiet which BR is famed for its many subspecies. Not a single one was seen at the swamp and creek which now have dried up to nought. There was a deep dug-out I saw probably by wild boar which serve as drinking hole for birds though.
The highlight of my 3 hours excursion there was the shy Large Wren Babbler which came out in the open for just seconds which I managed to remain calm and squeezed a few shots thru before it skittishly flew back into the undergrowth. If I was to be with a bunch of birders it will never happen. That is why I prefer to bird alone or a twosome as it is less intimidating. These are my best shot so far from my encounters with this bird here.
A pair of Diard's were calling deep in the forest but never once came out inspite of my occasional playback call. Some of the other birds captured are as below.