This is my first outing for the year 2017. With the news of rare sighting in Ampang; I drop by but as usual amongst many of us;we were 3 weeks late from our busy family affairs and work to get a glimpse of jambu fruit dove there.
Met my good acquaintance Zhong from Setiawan and the fellow Tokki birders. The Black-headed bulbuls dominated the fruiting tree chasing away the smaller birds.

A solitary Blue-throated Bee eater sallying for insects at the higher canopy. Once a while the bulbul will chased it away from time to time.
Once the Gold-whiskered Barbet arrived every bird kept their distance.
Further up the trail a pair of Greater Flameback Woodie were enjoying their own company away from the hustle at the fruiting tree.
Plenty of the common bulbuls taking turn to feed on the berries

I notice that the depth of field of the XF100-400mm at its f5.6 widest aperture is very good with enough details from head to tail as the pictures showed. Sad to say the price of the lens had increased so much to RM8,000 plus.
The Asian Fairy Bluebird (male) top picture and the female below are currently the star attraction here. It came close to 25-30 ft from us.
The Black-winged Flycatcher Shrike is a rarity to see here too