The black-eared Shrikebabbler is a good encounter in Ulu Kali. It is never an easy bird to shoot but this time the female was on a open perch against the open sky. The first two photos of the Barred-throated Minla aka Chestnut-tailed are the common bird of UluKali Genting. The Lesser Shortwing did not turn out for the past weeks or month at the port. I have yet to shoot the female.............

The mountain babbler is another active bird you can frequently see in bird wave here. It rarely stay still so to get good shot of this bird is a challenge.
After spending 2.5 hours in UK I decided to venture down to Awana to see what the place can offer.
A surprise sighting at Awana is a threesome Dusky Broadbill at the hill circa 500m asl. Wendy and friend was also enjoying the close encourter of the birds here in Awana The Woodshrike and Blue-winged Leafbird make up common birds here. A Rufous Woodpecker was sighted too but stayed far away from us to get any good photos.