With the lifting of restriction of MCO for recreational activities several of my birding friends have already restarted their birding excursion. I have not being birding for the past 3 months or so. With great anticipation I decided to venture to Lanchang last weekend. Met Ray & Friend and Vic & Mic there.
Reaching the port at 7.30am after getting my breakfast nasi lemak at Warung Zai. First bird to see was a pair of Black Hornbill perched at a dead tree in the early morning. If you are lucky you can get the Great Slaty Woodpecker instead at the same tree opposite the port.
The overcast lighting was still dimmed at the port as I venture out towards Deerland. A lot of babbler were calling and the Buff-chested was the only one I manage to see. At that moment the Crested Jay was calling but no where in sight. Later Vic manage to shoot it as I move further to Deerland.
The highlight of my trip was the Cinnamon-rumped Trogon and my lifer Male. Last shot it in Bakun ; that time it was a female. The encounter was very short I only managed 3 record shots. As I tried to move my shooting position it flew inside from jungle fringe. We never learn to be patient .....sign. Any drastic movement it will be gone for good. So guys be tactful when looking for this most wanted Trogon. It looks like the Scarlet except its bigger, eye-brow much shorted and lastly it stays at lower storey ie eye level.
The Cinnamon-rumped Trogon is a must see bird in Bukit Rengit |
Further down at the first turning from Deerland there was plenty of bird activity. The resident Red-bill Malkoha and Red-bearded Bee-eater were sighted but too far for any good photos. Here a pair of Blue-winged were sucking nectar I think of the blooming flowers beside the common Flowerpeckers and Bulbuls.

At about 11am I was back at the port to shoot whatever that come out. The other highlight was a pair of Large Wren Babbler. They were been chased. Some of us just side behind the hide screen as they flush out the birds LOL. I just got a some record shot. The common birds are returning to the port as the good time are back ...... The most vocal was the Black-capped dueting with the LWB.
Other birds are the Hairy-backed & Yellow-breasted Bulbuls and Short-tailed. Rufous Collared Kf was not present that day ; instead the tiny Rufous-backed was flushed out to the port. So plenty of action there in Lancang........................