News of any bird nesting will draw the bird fraternity to the port without fail. After the Blue Banded Kf attraction in May- June; the Whiskered Treeswift nesting in Hulu Langat again draw the crowd in the month of July- August 2018. Usually I would not post any early stage of nesting sighting but the case here is the safety and welfare of the nest is not jeopardised. This is most probably a second attempt for the pair. Usually nest making starts in the month of April - May. A tiny lump of mossy cup like nest about 1.5 inche in diameter just enought to snug an egg.
It was my first time shooting the specie in nesting. Though in the late stage of the nesting there were plenty of action as the parent now kept away and only come in to feed the nestling and then flying off to the nearby tree 80-90 ft away. It always will keep an eye of its baby from predator like Kingfisher as we birders below waited for the parent to come in. I notice only one of the parent is doing the feeding which I assumed the mother without the chestnut ear-covert.
Jamil and I were the last to leave the post at about noon that Sunday; when we were gifted with this action shoot of the nestling stretching its wing. Marvellous!!!! I estimate another 7-10 days before it take flight. Later Dennis and Alan T arrived in their car to shoot the bird as I was walking back to exit.
There were many nesting record of the same bird in Kemensah, Bukit Tinggi and many other locale near KL. Usually it is a easy sighting as the treeswift make it nest quite open at about 20-40 ft above the ground.