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MikeBirder - Malaysian Birds


Welcome to my Malaysian Birding Blog. I migrated to as my blog at closed shop in 2012. I wish to showcase all Malaysian birds that I have photographed whether here or overseas. My countdown of lifers started in 2005. Coming to Oct 2022 my countdown of lifers photograph has reached
559/688 species of birds of Malaysia in photos.

My shooting gear was a EF400mm f4 DO lens and Canon 7D body which to me is the ideal setup for mobility and bird chasing at that time. Eventhen the weight over my shoulder is more that 5.5 kg. As of June 2016 I have also acquired a Fuji XF 100-400mm OIS lens to complement my travelling cum birding trip overseas. My Fuji X-T2 went kaput recently and I upgraded to the X-T5 in 2023 ; the weight over my shoulder is much lighter now by 30%. In December 2018 I acquired the Nikon Coolpix P1000 as supplementary camera for distance shooting of 3000mm.
Fuji have finally made available their new XF 200-600mm lens which I yet to decide to spend another RM10,000. As for Fuji body I will stop with X-T5 36megapixel ..........

I am a weekend birder. Do feel free to drop me a line at and I see whether you can tag along in my outings. My usual day trip is just an hour ride away to Hulu Langat, Lancang, Kemensah, Krau, Awana, Hulu Kali, Gombak Ole Road, Fraser's Hill , Bukit Tinggi and KSNP & Coastal Sg Janggut Jeram side of the coast . Overnite trip to Merapoh & Cameron, Air Hitam and further north to Kuala Sidim is a seldom affair but for lifer we travel. Panti in Johor is another good birding site that I yet to go. Then there are the Borneo birds of Sabah and Sarawak of Malaysia which I seriously much go to chalk up more lifers. This I did in 2018 to Sepilok Sandakan and Kinabalu Park. Next Danum and LahatDatu.......

WARNING Birding is an addiction once you started its hard to stop. The wifey and children are now birding widow and orphan.



Search for Malaysian Bird Photos

Monday 4 March 2019

Robin 4/5 - Rufous-headed Robin (Lifer 521)

This will be my best lifer for 2019 as this is a rare vagrant from China Sichuan - probably  Jiuzhaigou National Park. The Rusty-naped lost out here.  It is supposedly the third time sighting in Peninsula Malaysia. The last sighting was in Gunung Brinchang some decades back. It is also called the Red-headed Robin. Hope the migrants keep coming. Yes, a Yellow-browed Warbler was also sighted here in Genting. Wish its the Hume's a split but no record to Malaysia yet.

I posted this earlier but pulled it down on request by MNS and fellow DB to give some privacy to the bird. I actually don't mind sharing the find but the big issue is those unethical bird photogs and bird guide who want perfect shots for themselves or their paying guest who will starts manipulating the natural habitat.

RHR is a plumb robin and it is slightly larger 15cm compared to the slender Siberian Blue 14cm. The latter is shown in comparison. Most of the time the Siberian Blue is the dominant one at the port. But one time saw it chasing away the latter at the port when the Siberian blue stayed too long there.

Immature SBR
Immature RHR 

The weather in March is getting hot in Malaysia. I even saw a Stripe throated bulbul so high up in Genting. There was plenty of action here and birders are gathering in the dozen to tick off this easy lifer. A pair of Siberian Blue Thrush were also feeding regularly at the port.

LATEST NEWS 10th March 2019 : the port has been blocked because somebody posted a photo of birders with the Gate & Radar in the background. This happens previously a few years back when somebody shoot a birding documentary  around the radar station  which eventually got the place fenced up till today. Sorry guys  please be tactful on your posting. Eventually we birders will be the losers. 

Anyway back to this rare visitor. The bird we saw is a 1st winter male with its whitish flaky throat. We hope it will stay long till next year for it to mature to its beautiful plumage. The male has a rufous-chestnut crown, ear-coverts, and nape; black from lores and mid-eye to neck side and across upper breast, enclosing broad white chin and throat.  The female has no bluish tinge coat and its tail is a warm brown over. Some would have identify it as a female SBR if not for the whitish throat.

Breaking News 20th March 2019
I was informed that the bird has moved on and no longer seen at the port.......😌


  1. The Stripe-throated Bulbul should had been always a highland species, but adapted to lowlands as well in the northern half of Peninsular, in the southern half, its still strictly highland, hence its absence in Singapore
